1. Does the task have a value beyond language learning?
Yes it has an educational value, it provides the correct grammar information, examples, but somenthing very interesting also, is that he provides the lesson in writing english and conversational english, for some people this is very important, because of necesary day to day speach .
2. Are the students personally involved?
I see that the tasks and activities are design for diferent kind of interests
and yes from my point of view it was interesting to learn new things.
3. Is the student’s personal contribution significant?
Yes, is important for student learning development to provide personal contribution.
4. Is the content worth learning about?
Yes and student can pick the way he wants to learn, can start with the grammar lesson and then reinforce with practice, he can also use the students forum, quizzes, etc.
In my case I prefered the pronounciation power.
5. Are the students engaged intellectually?
A- Yes, these are very simple rules and there are various ways to practice what I liked most was that it tell us how to do the change from written english to conversational english.
6. Will the task produce a unique classroom?
the result depends on how much the person wants to learn and practice, the site provides the tools to practice and learn more, but it all depends on the students interest to learn.
7. Does the task contribute to a coherent lesson?
The information provided in the lesson provides grammar rules, but also some special notes about daily conversation to help student relate information learned.
8. Does it foster autonomy?
It provides many tools to learn and practice, so once you get to the website you can take your pick, reading, forum, exercises, pronounciation power, etc.
Reflection Of The Course
15 years ago