Happy Nation

Monday, June 1, 2009

Reflection Unit 4

I enjoyed this class a lot, what I liked best was working in pairs, because I feel I need someone to argue with. I learned a lot about assessing, I liked all the acitivies we did. Everything we saw was somenthing that I could learn from, I would like to continue learning more about this because I feel that I need more practice.

Reflection Unit 3

This unit is the one I enjoyed the most, not only because of the activities but also because it help me get a better idea of what to expect and how to deal with different situations that may come up, from how to identify students characteristics to knowing what to say.

Personal Development Plan

Development needs:to achieve teamwork participation from e learners in online working.
Development objective: by Increasing teamwork activities from 1 activity, working in pairs, to 3, and from 2 comments to 4 comments.
Strategy: Encourage students to participate by making questions, sharing doubts, comments, opinion and positive feedback to others in a respectful and friendly manner.
Actions: Provide appropriate feedback to postings, if participants have not made a contribution contact them by sending emails and encouraging them to participate in friendly way.

  • make them notice the importance of internet as a support tool (Julio)
  • reference students to books and internet
  • use of printed sources
  • let students investigate
  • ask students opinion/ commentaries
  • follow up questions for reflection
  • let them use their previous knowledge and other tools
  • let them do research on the topic
  • give activities in which they have to interact and participate, team work
  • use rethorical questions and encourage students

Prompting students

Encouraging Learner Contributions

First ask student opinion, ask in a friendly way… what is his point of view?...how would he have answered the question? (Depending on the topic).
If we want to have student grow independet thinking, then it would probably be best to have them work in pairs and compare each other's answer and come up with just one, let them explain why did they come up with that answer. Have them post it, and answer to at least two other contributions (for peers feedback). that way they will work in teams and interchange information and at the same time grow confidence to ask and compare and aswer one anothers doubts.
I think that something that has a lot to do with this, is letting them know that they can make mistakes and make the corrections when they feel they have the right answer. Sometimes students are afraid to make mistakes and feel they will get a bad grade if they make a mistake.

Grouping techniques

I think the technique that had made me feel better in this class has been the one that we post our answer but we also have to read and reply to other comments posted. For me It provides feedback and helps me correct some doubts that I had or reasure that the answer I posted was correct.
I also like working in teams (I think is some sort of brainstorm and pyramid mixing), but the only thing is that I prefer working in teams of two, I'm not comfortable with the idea of having bigger teams because I feel some student's would not focus enough on the activities.

Objective setting

Exchanging information allows students to build knowledge and makes the on-line class. This is the way people in an e-learning community share what they understand, their doubts, their activities. It is also the way people discuss opinions and results. It is also the way people discuss opinions and results.
I think that from what I read a teacher must use a friendly style, make student feel comfortable and not presured to join in, motivate student to provide ideas and input, tasks to interact with others.

What would you say?

Provide feedback, encourage to visit again, and keep track of them via e-mail, perhaps it would probably be best to do some tasks In teams so they can exchange opinions and reasure what they think, the squirrel and the magpie give me the idea that they may be a little lost or need reasurance, they need feedback from teacher of course, but the other way they can get reasurance is also by working with peers, working in teams and comparing answers with others, also I feel is important an activity that we did most of last semester which was reading and making comments on peers answers.
Provide support and encourage student to provide personal contribution. It may be necessary to ask directly what category of learner type he is? Or what is his prefered style?
The moderator should always be polite, respectful , provide advice
and sending concrete questions can solve some doubts.

“The changing model of teaching and learning”.

I believe that if we let go a little bit, and provide our students with enough tools to develop their task they will grow enough confidence to independent thought. I feel in the beginning we might think we are loosing control, if we have never done this before, but if we prepare with sufficient time for these changes, prepare our material, tasks, students may not feel the change, we as teachers will need constant studying and preparing and investigating strategies and the use of resource-based learning approaches to help students develop independence and at the same time provide them with a wide range of easy step by step activities. It all depends on the way we prepare our tasks and the way we stay focused in our goals.

Reflection Unit 2

Its important to take on account every small detail to ensure our students learning, we need to be well prepare and know the tools we will be using to be able to design an online course. It seems easy but its really not that simple, as one of our e mates was saying; if the teacher does not have enough experience the online course will get out of hand, the teacher will lose control and it will be a mess. I believe is very importante to take advantage of all the tools and materials we can find that can help us design the best online course.

Reflection to spark

Taking time to read other's ideas can help us improve student’s way of thinking, others point of view can help look at things in life in a much different way, it can help us correct some mistakes and grow intellectually, develop ideas and human qualities when our mind opens to someone else's way of thinking.

To what extent could the same principles apply to online learning

1- Should help student learn more than just grammar, student should be able to practice on daily interaction with others. should be social or educational value.
2- Engage students in the task, should be interesting activities enough to get students involved.
3- Student's personal contribution. Make sure to have a space where students can interact and contribute.
4-Content must be interesting, worthwhile, topics must be presented in different forms, make it a fun way to learn, activities or lessons, they may variate from exercises to songs, kitchen recipes, etc.
5- Students engaged intellectually.The activities and lessons such get student engaged, they should be challenging. Is important to make student think, otherwise he will be bored.
6- Make sure all the information needed is there and don't forget any details, to ensure students interest and personal investment.
7-Lessons and activities, quizzes, etc. should be tightly nit together for effectivenes to build and reinforce new concepts.
8- Foster autonomy, provide all the tools and information to create enough confidence in student to manage own learning.